Workplace Standards

Workplace Standards


The Department of Workplace Standards has the statutory authority and oversight to carry out the administrative duties of the Divisions of Wages & Hours; Occupational Safety & Health Compliance; and, Occupational Safety & Health Education & Training.​​

The Department of Workplace Standards has the responsibility of enforcing the statutes established in Chapters 207, 336, 337, 338, 339 and 345 of the Kentucky Revised Statutes.​

Kim Perry, Commissioner
Department of Workplace Standards
500 Mero Street
Frankfort, KY 40601

Division of Occupational Safety & Health Education &Training (KYSAFE)

The Division of Occupational Safety & Health Education & Training (KYSAFE​) assists employers and employees by promoting voluntary compliance with the OSH standards.​

Training Details  ​​​Visit KYSAFE

Division of Wages & Hours

The Division of Wages & Hours is responsible for the enforcement of wage and hour laws, child labor laws, various discrimination laws, and the management and enforcement of prevailing wage rate determinations.​

Division of Occupational Safety & Health Compliance

The Occupational Safety & Health Program exercises jurisdiction for the enforcement, on-site consultation, standards promulgation, and training services related to workplace safety and health.​

Open Records Request

In order to process a requested record, the following steps must be followed:

  1. Although not required, a resident may request to inspect public records by using this form: 2021_Standardized_Open_Records_Request_Form_V3.pdf (​. When requesting information, please be as detailed as possible in your request. (i.e. Name of Company; Date of Inspection; Name of Party Injured (if an injury occurred); Inspection Number (if possible, but not necessary); Address of Company (or where the inspection occurred).

  2. Requests may be sent via email ( or mailed to Open Records Officer – DWS at 500 Mero Street, 3rd Floor, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601

  3. If the request is made by mail, please include a return mailing address and phone number with the request.

Please Note:

  • ​Certain types of information may not be released due to statutory exemptions.

  • Responses to requests may be picked up in person, mailed, emailed (where file size permits) or sent by other electronic avenues. If you wish to pick up a response in person, please indicate that in the request and provide a phone number so that our office can contact you when the response is ready.

  • If you wish to receive a hard copy, it is ten cents per page and 25 cents per color page. Please indicate in your request that you would like a hard copy.

  • We will respond to requests within 5 business days from the date we receive the request. Some requests are larger than others and may require additional time to obtain and sanitize the responsive information. If more than five days are needed to prepare a response, you will receive communication from our office indicating the additional time needed to prepare a response.​​

Required Workplace Posters

Please click here to see the list of Required Posters​ on our Wages​ and Hours​ page.​​​

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