Administrative Law Judges

Administrative Law Judges

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Administrative Law Judges (ALJ) are appointed by the Governor, with the consent of the Senate, to serve four-year terms. Each ALJ is an attorney and must have five years’ experience in the practice of Workers' Compensation law or a related field with extensive knowledge of Workers' Compensation law.


Administrative Law Judges conduct hearings, and otherwise supervise the presentation of evidence and render final decisions, orders or awards regarding workers’ compensation claims. ALJs may, when receiving evidence, make rulings affecting the competency, relevancy, and materiality of the evidence and rule upon motions presented during the taking of evidence to expedite the preparation of the case. ALJs review settlement agreements submitted by parties to a claim and must approve an agreement for it to have effect.

One of the ALJ’s serves as the Chief Administrative Law Judge (CALJ). The CALJ assists the commissioner with ALJ scheduling and other administrative tasks; handles matters on the Frankfort motion docket; coordinates the mediation program; coordinates trainings for the judges and staff; and ​serves as a liaison for the commissioner with stakeholders.

Administrative Law Judges

Judge J. Gregory Allen

Christie Gray

Judge Samuel Bach

Kari Tigue

Judge Laura R. Beasley

Grace Dickens

Judge Roland Case

Sonya McGarey
Yvonne Reed

Judge Tonya M. Clemons

Kim Meek

Judge John B. Coleman

Darlene Atkinson
Lisa Combs

Judge Chris Davis

Mary Williams

Judge Douglas W. Gott

Valerie Towe

Judge Greg Harvey

Chelsea Johns

Judge Stephanie L. Kinney

Trish Farris
Christel Keister

Judge Peter J. Naake

Emily Adams

Judge Amanda Perkins

Joni Skinner

Judge Thomas G. Polites

Marla Bales

Judge Phillipe W. Rich

Stephanie Carroll

Judge Grant S. Roark

Kathy Burggraf

Judge Kenneth C. Smith III

Lisa Chaffin

Judge Jonathan Weatherby

Lori Wilson

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