Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)/ Proof of Coverage/Claims

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)/ Proof of Coverage/Claims

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Proof of Coverage (POC) Section receives ​documented proof of workers' compensation coverage from each carrier and self-insured group fund for employees covered by the workers' compensation act. Carriers and insurers submit required information using EDI through one of the state-approved Vendors. Electronic coverage data is stored in a master database maintained by the EDI POC Section.

First Reports of Injury (FROI) and Subsequent Reports of Injury (SROI) are​ electronically received daily from Third Party Administrators and Insurance Carriers submitted to the Department through one of the state-approved Vendors. Each record goes through program edits prior to acceptance of the FROI and SROI records. This section assigns DWC claim numbers and creates an electronic claim in the SIMBA database.

EDI Late Filing Notification

Beginning October 1, 2024, the Kentucky Department of Workers’ Claims’ Carrier Penalty Assessment System(CPAS) will go live and will begin automatically assessing the timeliness of EDI FROIs, SROIs, and POC  based on the “Timely Filing Documentation”  found below.  The citation will be $100.00 per occurrence.​

Per KRS 342.135 and 803 KAR 25:015.  All citations must be delivered by hand or certified mail.  If you would like to receive notifications and citations by email then please click the link below.

EDI Claims​

FROIs and SROIs are electronically received daily from Third Party Administrators and Insurance Carriers submitted to the Department through Vendors\VANs. Each record goes through program edits prior to acceptance of the FROI and SROI records. This section assigns DWC claim numbers and creates an electronic claim in the SIMBA database.

EDI Claims Contact

KYDWC EDI Support Team
Email: LaborEDI@ky.gov
Stephen Mason
Phone: 502-782-4540


Proof of Coverage (POC)

The EDI POC Section receives documented proof of workers' compensation coverage from each carrier and self-insured group fund for employees covered by the workers' compensation act. Carriers and insurers submit required information using Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) through one of the state-approved data collection agents. Electronic coverage data is stored in a master database maintained by the EDI POC Section.

Use our tool to ensure Proof of Coverage.


The Kentucky Department of Workers’ Claims will begin assessing penalties for timeliness on Proof of Coverage submittals. The penalty phase will begin July 1, 2012. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact KYDWC EDI Support Team at 502-782-4486 or via email at LaborEDI@ky.gov

EDI POC Contact

KYDWC EDI Support Team
Email: LaborEDI@ky.gov
Howard “Cam” Lawson
​Phone: 502-782-4480

Proof of Coverage (POC) ​Documents

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